Laws facilities can be available for planning your event.

Research Center Price List

Private Party Train Rides

  • The Death Valley Railroad "Brill Car" - Rents for $150 per hour* (including operating crew - Holds 34 passengers in comfort - The crew will do a "run-by" for photos, by request, in addition to normal rides.
  • "Old Smokey" the mine train -  is very popular for children's birthday parties and rents for $50 per hour* including operating crew.
Hourly Rates
  • Historical Society Members:
We can assist you with research free of charge for the first half hour.
After the first half hour the rate will be $25.00 per hour.
  • Commercial and Non-Members of the Historical Society:
We can assist you with research for $50.00 per hour. 





We welcome donation of any amount.  All donations are tax deductible. 
A 501(c)3 non-profit public benefit corporation.  EIN 95-2408625
PO Box 363, Bishop CA  93515