What's Here:

Commemorating the Poleta Mine and Milling Company, this building houses historic and replica machines that illustrate processes for separating gold from rocks in the early 1900s.  Also on display are:  ore samples, maps, tools, placer pans and washers, a 1912 Fairbanks-Morse 15 horsepower engine, a replica assayer’s office, and a tungsten mining display. Prominently featured is a working stamp mill, made by Joshua Hendy of San Francisco in the 1800's.


The structure was built by volunteers, assisted by labor crews from the Round Valley CAL Fire Forestry and Fire Protection Fire Station, and largely finished in 2009. Larry Paglia, a mentor to many, passed away in 2010. But volunteers continue to acquire, repair, and maintain donated display items, maintain buildings and grounds and give tours.

The building was the vision of Bishop Museum and Historical Society Board Member Larry Paglia, a WW II Veteran and retired Civil Engineer.  His goal was to showcase and protect donated mining equipment from the region, and share the extensive mining history of the Eastern Sierra.  Mr. Paglia designed, secured funding, and supervised the construction of the buildings and displays.